Mind the Value Gap: Are You Minding Yours?
Here’s a bet for you.
Your HR / People team look after your Employee Value Proposition (EVP), while Marketing oversees your Customer Value Proposition (CVP).
Did we win the bet? It seems logical, right?
Well... not so fast.
Today, people—whether employees or customers—expect transparency from the organisations they engage with. This means value propositions shouldn’t be siloed within specific functions; instead, they need to be treated as strategic, holistic tools. When EVPs and CVPs are managed in isolation, the result is often misalignment, incoherence, or even broken promises. The fallout? Lost employees, lost customers, and, ultimately, lost revenue.
At our core, we’re passionate about aligning and harmonising the human experience within the company system. We believe that EVPs and CVPs are two sides of the same coin—inseparable and equally vital to the health of your business.
If you’re a business leader, such as a CEO, or a function lead, like a Chief People Officer, Chief Marketing Officer, or Business Unit Head, these challenges—attracting and retaining both employees and customers—are likely top of mind for you too.
Understanding the interconnectedness of business and people—and seeing employees and customers as intrinsic parts of a unified value ecosystem—is not just important; it’s business-critical.
Never ones to shy away from a challenge, we at Futurecurve have rolled up our sleeves to tackle the complex issue of value propositions head-on. The result? An in-depth, 3-part white paper: Aligning your Employee and Customer Truth. In it, we delve into the heart of this challenge, covering:
1. Minding the gap: Why companies often develop a "value gap" for employees—and how to close it by crafting a compelling EVP that creates a win-win for everyone.
2. Aligning the truth: How connecting your EVP and CVP fosters choice and control for both employees and customers, driving retention and profitability.
3. Integrating and adapting: Practical steps for integrating these value propositions and tailoring best practices to fit your unique business culture.
We get it—finding time to read an in-depth white paper amidst your busy schedule can feel like a tall order. We wrestled with how to deliver our insights in a way that respects your time without sacrificing the depth these critical ideas deserve.
Ultimately, we believe oversimplifying this topic would do us all a disservice. Aligning value propositions requires proper consideration and a willingness to tackle these challenges thoughtfully.
So here’s our invitation: carve out just 30 minutes from your day, pour yourself a great cup of coffee, and dive into what we believe is a thought-provoking and stimulating read. We’re confident it will add value to your work—and maybe even spark some exciting new ideas.
Register for your launch copy now.