Don't lose sight of the customer in 2023
Photo by Road Trip with Raj on Unsplash
Ensuring our value proposition strategies will be effective for the year ahead means assessing how the business can adapt and flex, making sure we’re meeting, matching and exceeding changing customer requirements. What’s always important is ensuring the whole business understands what customers really value.
I must say, this is particularly important if your business has undergone any kind of organisational or structural change, such as a merger or an acquisition. Even building closer collaborative business models with partners can disrupt. Organisational changes invariably mean a temporary shift in focus to get ‘the deal done’ followed by a wide range of initiatives focused on letting internal teams settle into working together and integrating processes.
People in a state of flux can easily lose sight of the customer, with ‘inside-out’ thinking dominating. The business focus turns to processes, systems, tools, and with products being designed and implemented based on internal thinking, gut-feeling and hope. Customers’ expectations get lost in this type of thinking because decisions are made based on what’s best for the business – not for customers. Or what everyone thinks is best for customers (without bothering to do the hard work of actually finding out). Then, when the ‘refreshed’ organisation turns its attention to the external marketplace again, there are a group of mystified executives who can’t understand why customers have moved on to those providing the value they want now.
At Futurecurve, we know compelling value propositions are built by combining an understanding of both the ‘outside-in’ (customers, market, and competitors) and the ‘inside-out.’
Ignore outside-in thinking at your peril. There must be a balance when creating a successful win-win value proposition; one that drives profitable new business for your organisation and a delighted, loyal customer whose value expectations have been met or exceeded.
Do you keep falling into the trap of focusing on inside-out thinking only? If you do, don’t feel bad - we’re seeing that a lot right now.
Take a look at our Go-to-Market Benchmark to see where you are on the inside-out versus outside-in thinking spectrum. Give yourself a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ to each question.
Assess where you are on our Go-To Market benchmark
If you answered mainly:
· Yes. Congratulations! Sounds like you’re in good shape
· Mix Yes/No. You need to spend time sharpening up your Go-to-Market strategy
· No. Uh oh. Urgent update required, now!
If you would like to complete the full Go-to-Market Benchmark, please email
Here’s to 2023 being a great one for us all. Sharpening up your go-to-market strategy will undoubtedly get your business off to a flying start.