Harnessing customer & employee value - winning better business

Business management and psychology consultants


 Our work is about enabling you to win better business, faster and more sustainably, based on the difference you make to your customers and employees, harnessed in powerful value propositions.

We believe that a Customer Value Proposition (CVP) and an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) are two sides of the same coin. Many critical elements of value are overlooked or misaligned if they treated as function-specific issues rather than approached strategically and holistically.


We are collaborative and pragmatic. No more consulting reports gathering dust!

Our clients: increase profitability, retain happier customers, get aligned, confident and more engaged people.

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Mind the Gap: Between Customer Experience and Customer Expectation

Since we started our customer value work 22 years ago, we at Futurecurve have actively encouraged our B2B clients to think about customer value in a holistic way. You have heard me talk many times about bringing the outside-in and inside-out perspectives together; today this feels more important than ever.

Harnessing your customer & employee value

Our Resources section is a valuable source of thought leadership, learning and business inspiration.